rath's PR88 Soot & Creosote Barrier Cream 1Ltr
- pr88 It's a water soluble skin protection cream, which is applied before work begins.
- pr88 provides a non-greasy, non-sticky barrier against alcohol and carbon based substances like gasoline, diesel, oils, hydraulic fluids, soot and creosote, fats, paint + thinners, tar, dyes resins, non-polar organic solvents, fiberglass, superglues, ink, graphite., epoxies, etc. Absorption of solvents and toxins by the skin is delayed and often prevented.
- pr88 will not wipe off the skin nor transfer to surfaces touched once it has properly set on the skin (after approx. 1 minute) and therefore not contaminate work pieces.
- pr88 is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, 85% biodegradable, dermatologically tested and found to be safe for over 25 years as a serious health and safety product.
Rath's PR88 Soot Barrier Cream 1Ltr
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